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Pyvott And Run Against Traffic

Since our small beginnings in the living room of our founder, we’ve wanted to transform the landscape of social media and do good. We knew we wanted to break the status quo that larger social media sites established, especially when it came to turning a blind eye to the darker side of social media, human trafficking. 

With that in mind, we began conversations with several organizations to learn what we could do, even before our app was published to the public, to help prevent human trafficking and support the organizations that support the victims of human trafficking in the best ways. 

Enter Tommy Green

Tommy is the founder and board member of Run Against Traffic, a Utah non-profit organization committed to resourcing and funding programs dedicated to the long-term aftercare of the survivors of human trafficking. Tommy came to the conversations with direct and honest feedback about how difficult it was to work with the “big” social media players and how recent studies had found that 65% of underage sex trafficking victims were recruited through Facebook, while 14% were through Instagram, and 8% were through Snapchat. 

Those statistics are staggering and we don’t want Pyvott to be on that list. So we partnered with Tommy in several ways. 

  1. We asked Tommy to be part of our board of directors and to continue to educate us on how, as an app and as an organization, we can be part of the solution. 
  2. We’re working with Tommy, Run Against Traffic, and several other charitable organizations to build a proprietary system in our app algorithms to stop human trafficking before it starts.
  3. We asked Tommy if we could run a Dollar per Download Campaign and donate $1 for every download of our app. 
  4. Tommy believed in Pyvott and our mission so much that he invested his personal money into the organization to support having a social media app on the scene who cares. 

The Dollar Per Download Campaign

Building a proprietary and never-before-done system in our algorithms takes time but we didn’t want to wait before supporting Run Against Traffic. So we launched our Dollar per Download campaign. For December through January 11th, we’ll donate one dollar for every download of our free Pyvott app (up to 100,000). That’s one-hundred thousand dollars going directly to an incredible cause and into an organization that will immediately put the money to good use to support victims of trafficking. 

We’ve worked with Tommy and the Run Against Traffic team since our beginnings and we couldn’t be happier to be the change we want in the world, even if it’s by starting small with just a dollar per download of our app.

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